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History of sinai
Sinai and the First World War
Sinai Peninsula Saw the Campaign Turkish cooperation of some elements of German art crawl on its way to the Suez Canal ... The campaign failed.  13 January, 1915
The second campaign the Turks across the Sinai and arrived in northern Sinai Biraelaid .. And continued to walk on July 19 of the same year, heading to the Suez Canal.   9 July, 1916
The Turks occupied the area Qatih northern Sinai.   13 August, 1916
The Turks occupied the area Qatih northern Sinai.   30 December, 1916
Railway construction to Gaza, where the British thought in the pipeline for the supply of strategic forces to chase the Turks across the Sinai in the attempt to invade the Suez Canal. 1916 M.
release of the book (the date of Sinai Ancient and modern geography) by Noam your Choucair describes the Sinai Peninsula and accurate description. The intelligence had been employed by the Department English Department of History, Geography and Syrian nationality, was not working in this administration, but only foreigners. 1916 M.
World Archaeological Gardner up to Sinai to decode language Alheiroglevia in temples in Sinai. 1917 M.
Balfour Declaration that Palestine would be a national homeland for Jews in Britain agreed to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine was issued this promise of the Lord James Balfour, British Foreign Secretary to the Jewish James Rothschild financial one of British Jews.  2 November, 1917
The company started mining in Sinai, which was founded in England in 1913 to exploit manganese in Umm Bjmp and surrounding areas. 1918 M.
Declaration of Ben-Gurion (Israel's prime minister later) the need to join Al-Arish to the Jewish national home. 1918 M.
 British intelligence report prepared for the future of the Sinai, a British officer named "Tshajn" addressed to the Prime Minister of Great Britain .. Came when I asked me to send you a report on the future of the Sinai .. It will be a question of great importance in the coming years ... We can not stay in Egypt. 1919 M.
Discovery of oil for the first time in the Sinai in the field of Abodrba. 1921 M.
Jarvis set the Englishman as Governor of the Sinai. 1923 M.
parliamentary representation known way to the Sinai for the first time after the Constitution of 1923 and the first elections to the House of Representatives was the late son of my speech, Abdul Wahab Al-Arish is the first deputy from the Sinai in the House of Representatives. 1924 M.
Harvard University, send her first mission to Srabit server - to search for patterns and the effects of the Sinai. 1927 M.
The second mission to Harvard University to discuss the relics of Sinai. 1930 M.
Third mission of Harvard University to search for the monuments and inscriptions of Sinai and the group arrived inscriptions confirmed the pattern of the Mission 25. 1935 M.
Appointment as Governor of the Sinai Hamersley an English nationality.  1936 M.
Conference in London in the words of Mr Jarvis (Governor of the former England Sinai) that the Sinai Asian and Asian population there is nothing wrong that they have to host a Jews to live with them on the ground and one .. "This shows the planned colonial to isolate the Sinai to Egypt. 1939 M.
Start date of Governors took the Egyptians of Sinai and the end of the era of conservative Englishmen set Brigadiers Ali Fahmi (1946-1948). 1946 M.
Alroafp start construction of a dam which was built on one of the areas of Wadi Wadi El-Arish in Sinai narrow and with a capacity of 4 million cubic meters of water.  1946 M.
Egyptian interest orchards are creating a farm in Rafah in the Sinai on a land area of 36 acres.  1947 M.
Dam Alroafp score 12 million m 3 of flood water.  18 March, 1947
As fighting raged between Arabs and Israel, more discreetly, around the major cities in Palestine. First in September1947
Archaeological Adviser (Albright) travel to the Sinai with the African mission, the University of California to study the effects of Sinai  1948 M.
Elameralay Abdel Rahman Fahmy governor of Sinai (1948-1948) . 1948 M.
Declaration of the State of Israel and cross the Egyptian army at dawn the same day the Egyptian-Palestinian border, across the Sinai and entered Palestine and took the 3 settlements and arrived at a distance of 20 km south of Tel Aviv ... and the first Arab-Israeli war.  15 May, 1948
Cessation of hostilities in the Sinai. 1 January, 1949
Start of the work of the truce between the Arabs and Israel.  12 January, 1949
Set Brigadiers Amin Fahmy governor of the Sinai (1949-1951). 1949 M.
Set Brigadiers Zaki Abdul Hameed. 1949 M.
Set Brigadiers Mohammed Abu Azara governor of the Sinai. 1951 - 1952
Source: - Information Center
 Release date: - April 2010
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